Guided Training

Learning to Safeguard the Places We Love Together

There are two ways to explore Preserving Legacies training materials: through an all-resource learning database or through a self-guiding training course. Our learning database on this page includes freely accessible lectures, reports, training worksheets, and takeaways to search and use. 

Our self-guided training journey allows users to learn about community values, climate science, site vulnerability, and adaptation approaches sequentially in a five-unit course hosted in our community of practice platform.

An illustration of the steps in Preserving Legacies Guided Training - a primitive stone arch, a sun and test tube, a hand and heart, and a picket sign.
External Resources

Harnessing collective wisdom to safeguard our cultural heritage.

World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal
The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. Explore them via Country and Watershed views. Access synthesized Country Profiles to gain deeper insights into climate risks and adaptation actions.
World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate
This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism.
NASA Earth Observations
Satellite imagery provides the greatest benefit to the most people when it can be analyzed by anyone with an interest. NEO strives to make global satellite imagery as accessible as possible.
Future of Our Pasts: Engaging Cultural Heritage in Climate Action
The report highlights a number of ways in which the core considerations of cultural heritage intersect with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, including heightening ambition to address climate change, mitigating greenhouse gases, enhancing adaptive capacity, and planning for loss and damage.